the yarn ball project!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

the yarn ball project!
Originally uploaded by jendodd79

So- I may have gotten very excited about my yarn ball and put off crocheting a hat in order to start the kimono for Avari that I have been planning forever!

so here's the start of it-

I really must finish the vest sweater first though because it's hit that kind of weather!

Today was another sleep in day- I actually woke up before Avari- how crazy is that! AND she's napping- she must be growing because she never sleeps this much!

Yesterday I put a pair of 18month pants on her and they fit- wow! I guess it's time to start organizing the fall clothing!

Oh- and the craziest thing that happened- we had a bear in our yarn! He left a big pile of bearpoop in the driveway and ripped open our little runnermaid shed that we put our garbage cans in. Crazy!