Monday, October 22, 2007

I wish I felt like updating more right now, but I just cna't get around to it- I hope that I get blog mania again sooN!

Are you right brained or left brained?

Sunday, October 14, 2007,22049,22535838-5012895,00.html?from=mostpop

This is what I am!


uses feeling
"big picture" oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion
can "get it" (i.e. meaning)
spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
risk taking


Friday, October 12, 2007

Originally uploaded by jendodd79

Here is my first sock- wow- it is so pretty and it actually fits- I'm the queen of "too big things" so the fact that this actually fits is quite the miracle...

Now... I'm off to find some fingering weight yarn so that I can make some of the monkey socks.... once I finish the pair to this one of course!

My poor baby...

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Avari came down with a very bad fever on Saturday night. I had to work Sunday/Monday, so I was soooo worried about her, but she was in good care with Daddy. She wouldn't eat a thing, thank goodness for breastfeeding- if you ever have doubts about weaning, just think about the possibility of dehydration in a toddler who refuses to eat and drink, it's a life saver!

Today was day 2 with no fever but she still wouldn't eat. I tried to get her in to the clinic, but because she's not a patient with them, they wouldn't take her. The public health nurse advised me to take her to the ER, since she doesn't really have any weight on her to safely lose and she was pretty wobbly when she tried to walk. So, of course the second we get all checked in, she started to improve minute by minute. She wanted water and the banana and even wanted down. Good thing- no ear infections and no other obvious problems - the doctor just wanted to check to make sure there were no UTI problems so hopefully there will be a sample to collect after nap.

A sick child is the scariest thing on earth- to have no idea what is wrong and no way to find out. Thank goodness she is a very healthy little girl. I was so worried all morning! I'm hoping that she wakes up all chipper

I have so much work to catch up on this week!!

If you are inspired to make awesome food- here is a great blog
my stomach won't stop growling!

I must go and try to fix my camera flash now- it has decided to just completely stop working very randomly-

and since I'm sharing Miss Ava's things...

Monday, October 8, 2007

I had another awesome Mama (A Squared designs) make her some long sleeved shirts, a hoodie dress and a pair of pants to wear under the dress. Holy cow, I love them.

and disclaimer- she really did need clothing- she only has a few things in 18-24 month sizes!

Aren't they gorgeous!!!!!!

Avari's Leotards

Custom for Jendodd
Originally uploaded by BeneathTheRowanTree

OMG- aren't these the cutest things ever!!!! I wanted some snazzy onesies for Avari for gymnastics and I found this awesome new Hyenacart (actually she found me I think!) and I got her to do 2 customs for me.

I love them and I can't wait!!!! Now I have to pick out some babylegs to wear with them......

Isn't she just going to be the cutest thing ever?

Whoa- I forgot to post photos from Thursday/Fri!!!!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Here's a recap!!

Our fun dolls from Hillcountry Doll Maker- we ordered a little 6" baby from her and she sent a bunny as a gift

and you know how Avari likes Bunnies! Here she is hopping to the sleeping bunny song

We went and visited Rhonda and Aleesha on Thursday and Erin and Brayden came too- so that was the Mitchell Bros Baby reunion
so much fun!!!

Happy Thanksgiving

Just finished Turkey dinner- yummmmmmm - I'm getting to be a pro at it now- some how it all worked out and was soooooo good!!!!!!! I was pretty durned impressed with myself about it. The menu was great and now I'm just waiting for Kevin to become unstuffed enough to want pumpkin pie.

Doesn't that looks super yummy!!!

I sure think so

I am very excited about Ravelry- I've been browsing since I got my invite and I'm trying to get my yarn stash all organized so that I can plan out projects- here is some of the yarn that I got this week

The grey brown Three Irish Girls Lindon Merino is already cast on and will be a pair of mittens for Kevin

The pink and grey Three Irish Girls Galenos Merino- well I'm not so sure- I'm thinking mittens for Avari for skating and some leg warmers!

The rainbow Beemer Knits DK Sock Yarn is going to be some awesome socks for me- my first socks! yippeee!!!!!!!!!!!!

So much to chat about

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Avari has been napping for 3.5 hours, and I have so much to do so I figured that starting ablog post would guarantee to wake her up!

I've been having alot of mail fun this week. Lots of it is for the store, but it's still nice to hear the doorbell ring. But first of all, the most fun was The Spotted Box- it has so many incredible things in it and so many great gift certificates to use for Christmas shopping! Yes, I'm already thinking about it- this is the new organized me remember?

Avari's ice skates arrived as well. - they are gorgeous little pink things!

We had our first skating class today. All my hopes for a skating prodigy were soon dashed. I'm just kidding of course! But as soon as I tried to stand Avari up, she'd start screeching- by the end of the class, I had her holding on to the bar and could push her, but she wasn't particularly impressed. Except when the bubbles came out!

I'm very excited because Kevin finally affirmed that I do get my sewing/craft room- yea yea yea!!! I have been itching to sew but it just seems like to much work to try and get everything together- so by my birthday I will be all set up and then I'll be able to post more fun crafty pictures.
Speaking of crafty, Avari has been having fun drawing lately- I opened up some of the crayons that I ordered from Melissa and Doug and although half are now lost to the depths of the living room, she is starting to scribble!
and there she is awake! I'll try to finish soon!