My poor baby...

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Avari came down with a very bad fever on Saturday night. I had to work Sunday/Monday, so I was soooo worried about her, but she was in good care with Daddy. She wouldn't eat a thing, thank goodness for breastfeeding- if you ever have doubts about weaning, just think about the possibility of dehydration in a toddler who refuses to eat and drink, it's a life saver!

Today was day 2 with no fever but she still wouldn't eat. I tried to get her in to the clinic, but because she's not a patient with them, they wouldn't take her. The public health nurse advised me to take her to the ER, since she doesn't really have any weight on her to safely lose and she was pretty wobbly when she tried to walk. So, of course the second we get all checked in, she started to improve minute by minute. She wanted water and the banana and even wanted down. Good thing- no ear infections and no other obvious problems - the doctor just wanted to check to make sure there were no UTI problems so hopefully there will be a sample to collect after nap.

A sick child is the scariest thing on earth- to have no idea what is wrong and no way to find out. Thank goodness she is a very healthy little girl. I was so worried all morning! I'm hoping that she wakes up all chipper

I have so much work to catch up on this week!!

If you are inspired to make awesome food- here is a great blog
my stomach won't stop growling!

I must go and try to fix my camera flash now- it has decided to just completely stop working very randomly-