We have started to harvest some veggies! I'm so excited- I've learned enough about gardening this year in the community garden, that next year I think that I'll be able to start my own little one. Now, I just need someone to show me how to can and I'll be set to have a sustanable veggie source for us!
We picked some potatoes, peas, beans and baby carrots for dinner tonight- yummy! and some nostertia (sp?) flowers which are apparently edible- i'll take their word for it!
Avari and I had a little jaunt to the beach- she loves the sand, and we are so lucky to be able to go there for just an hour everyday since we live so close.
It's getting close to naptime and I'll be starting a new knitting project- I don't feel like finishing the sweater yet, but I have some new sock yarn to play with and a few ideas.
Later on we'll go for a walk and there are a few papers to deliver- and then the day will be winding down.
What to cook for dinner- I guess I should take something out of the freezer- yea for a blog encouraging me to get with it- ha ha!
How To Develop Value-Based Spending Habits
2 years ago
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