The very first post

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

So, what to write? I wanted to join in this blogging craze, and now I have nothing to say really! Well, I'm sure that I do, but I'm not sure what it is!

I've been gearing up for Lund Days this week- been crocheting up a storm and trying to get lots of promotional stuff going. I've also opened a facebook group for PR parents. and I'm looking in to a hyenacart congo. and I've joined a project to shoot some photos for a women's transition house fundraiser. and then there's looking in to blackberry festival, and the fall fair. and I want to start sewing Avari's clothing.

so- this is why I need my blog! I need to write everything down that I want to get involved in, and organize myself (ha ha ha ha aa ha)

Well- I'm off to get ready to garden- Avari is still protesting her nap, and I have to get Kevin out of bed for work. It looks like a hot day today, so we'll work up a sweat on the paper route. I'm sure I'll update later in the day!