Avari slept for almost 3 hours for a morning nap- I think it must be the weather. We are having a thunderstorm- but it's still realy bright out, it's actually beautiful!
I pulled out a diaper for Avari to use from the dryer and I have never had such a fright. The most gigantic spider crawled out of it. Now I am not at all scared of bugs, but I have never seen such a big spider before. It was at least 2 inches long and it had actual fangs. I thought I was going to die because it crawled our so quickly! I actually shreiked. I considered breifly taking a picture and then it lunged for my hand, so out it went-it may have perished in the process. How the heck did it get in my house, and my dryer! UGH!
I forgot the we were getting blueberries in my organics box today. They are absolute heaven- I have never tasted anything so wonderful- I know that my dad had a few bushes which are probably ready so I may head out there one of these days to get some!
How To Develop Value-Based Spending Habits
2 years ago
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