Sorry- I didn't update about the long Friday!
Friday was blackberry festival and I had a booth at the fair for my shop. It was a great time- I missed out getting to see everything, but it was nice to relax. Dear Ava actually stayed up until 11:30- she just wanted to run back and forth and chase the balloons- what a sweetie! I can't believe she was awake for that long. I was absolutely exhausted by the end of the day!!!!
Saturday was very strange- there was a HUGE thunder and lightening storm with actual forked lightening- we don't usually get storms like that here. The power went out for a little while, but came back on before it was too dark. I got to have a good chat with the ladies, stayed up much too late and enjoyed a glass of wine!
Today was work day- the power went out again, but it was a beautiful sunny day- it went by very quickly. After work I met up with an old friend for a few hours that I haven't seen in a few years. He has an incredibly fun family and I got to hear some great stories and relive some nostalgia from the past.
Have you ever had a defining moment that made you try and change the path and course of your life? Do you wonder if you're just going through the motions, and one day you'll wake up 40 and have missed so much? I had that kind of defining moment this evening, although I'm not exactly sure how to act on it or how I feel about it. But at least now I know that there needs to be change- like an informal intervention. Tonight felt almost surreal- like I could have been in a parallel life, and I liked it a bit more than my own. But it's strange to feel that way and be completely happy at the same time? I guess my green grass wonders how much greener things could be...
How To Develop Value-Based Spending Habits
2 years ago
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