This week I've been amazed at just how much Avari has grown up in the three days i was away from her this weekend. She has started singing to herself, and she even can finish the sentences in her favourite book by memory (that floored me before our nap today). I know that very soon she's going to be a real little girl instead of a toddler and I haven't decided how that makes me feel yet. I've decided to start living life at her pace - I tend to be a really hustle bustle person by nature, and I like to run from one thing to another, and I think that was frustrating her. I wasn't letting her stop to smell the roses (literally) and let her enjoy and explore her environment.
As many of you know, I have decided that I would like to homeschool Avari, and I think that the teaching can start now. Not teaching in the school sense, but teaching in the sense of letting her learn to take in the environment around her. Teaching her good life habits in her food, in nature. I want her to know that as important as academics are, there is a whole world of knowledge that may be even a little bit more important that is forgotten in school. I want her to grow up grounded and connected to nature and I want her to know how to have fun! Of course, any help in doing this is greatly appreciated, because everything that I think is important for her to learn, are things that I need to learn myself (any good book recommendations anyone?). I think that by watching my little girl live her life, she's going to teach me the best way to live mine.
Karen posted some beautiful pictures of Avari on her blog that she took for Avari's birthday - it's a few posts back.
How To Develop Value-Based Spending Habits
2 years ago
Have you read Beyond the Rainbow Bridge? I think that's such a good book for birth to age 7.
Good kids' books? Oooo! My favourite subject!
The Paper Bag Princess - Robert Munsch
Where the Wild Things Are - I don't remember who, but it's classic
That Rabbit Belongs to Emily Brown - Cressida Cowell
Elmer - David McKee
Anything by Bill Peet - Great illustrations, too!
Green Eggs and Ham - Dr Seuss (although he has lots of great stuff, that's still my favourite!)
If/when you need more suggestions, let me know! Wait! A couple more for when she's a bit older, or for you to read to her.
101 Dalmations - Dodie Smith (The Twilight Barking, its sequel is pretty good, too)
The Rescuers books, of which there are several.
Good grief. I could go on for hours. Drop me a line, I'm sure I can come up with more!
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