Outdoors-ly Challenged

Monday, July 21, 2008

That is I. I even had to create my own word in order to describe just how challenged I really am!

I live in one of the most beautiful places in the world. Hiking, biking, canoing, kayaking, mountains,trails... you name it, you can do it here! Yet my repertoire right now consists of going to the main beach and most of the time we get stuck at the playground. Of course, I want Avari to have fun, but I want her to be able to know how to explore where we live and truly enjoy.

I'd like to set a good example! Right now, every evening I have the best of intentions about getting outdoors "tomorrow". Then I get intimidated, and lost and I have no idea what to do.

As I was reading the Saturday Globe and Mail this week there was an article about how to "Primp My Ride".
All of a sudden, I want to ride a bike. A cute pink cruiser with a bag, in my flats and a skirt and flowers in the basket. Never mind the fact that I hate my current bike (it is old and rusty and I think that it takes much to much effort to get up a hill). I think that I'd be more in to riding a bike if I looked like that. I even found toddler seats that can be mounted up front. Avari and I cruising downtown and back. Can I make up uphill on the way home? Is there anyway to test drive a bike to see if I could even make it without passing out?

I'm not sure, but I really want to!


Anonymous said...

I would totally ride a bike with that cute factor. Loving the whole pretty Summer dress and flower basket.

The whole getting out to explore thing is tough to do. My biggest recommendation is invest in some books on local trails, read through it before doing any of them, and start with the easiest or least intimidating ones.

Walks are the best, and if you find a favorite spot, walk it 100 times and then try the next spot, walk it for a while.

The coolest part about exploring is that it really doesn't require you to be extra adventurous (especially with a tiny person. I'm always worried about cougars on the island). It just requires a willingness to watch and experience the changes in one stretch of forest or beach throughout the year. It's amazing what nature reveals by just being in it.:)