I am working on embracing the library. I have to admit that I am a bit of a book snob- I really love to get new books and open up their crisp covers and smell the fresh now pages. I think it's half of the joy of reading! But alas, being on a budget is taking away all of that fun. When I was pregnant, I bought a huge stack of books from garage sales, and it's just been in this past few months that I have worked my way through them all.
I really feel that since I've been out of school, the amount of intelligent reading material that crosses my hands is well - pretty negligible. I was browsing old essays that I used to write in college and wow! I definitely would not be able to reproduce anything of that quality now. With the thought of school looming in the not so distant future, I feel like a need an intelligence makeover! So, off to the library for I.
I'm trying to make a habit of visiting once a week and make it a routine that Avari and I can enjoy. (and Kevin when he isn't working). I've decided that I'm going to take out 3 books a week but only interesting reference books that I can learn from.
This is my list for this week. (and yes, they don't include anything about rocket science- it has been about 6 years since school, so I don't want to have a brain meltdown!)
1. Care-free plants a guide to growing the 200 hardiest, low-maintenance, long-living beauties in Canada - This is kind of a cheater because I won't learn anything about gardening except how to cheat! But, I will learn about the easiest 200 plants out there to grow!
2.The automatic millionaire : a powerful one-step plan to live and finish rich -Because, well- who doesn't want to be an automatic millionaire! Kevin and I are really interested in how to build up our equity so we can start making our farm a reality.
3. Threads - This is a sewing magazine, so I guess this is kind of a cheater as well! I've been complaining that I don't know how to sew, and I would like to sew Avari's wardrobe for the fall, so I needed some inspiration to get me going.
I have a stack of books to be reading soon for my training as an LLL leader, so I'm going to become a super reader. If anyone has any idea how to add more reading time in to an already pretty full schedule with a waiting list of tasks, please let me know!
How To Develop Value-Based Spending Habits
2 years ago
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