Through a little hyenacart research, I learned that you can dye protein fibers (wool and silk) with unsweetened Kool-Aid. (I'll never drink the stuff again!). Now, I couldn't find the unsweetened here in town, and an awesome Mama offered to find me some in the States and send it to me.
Anna from A Mother's Nature bought me a whole bunch of different colours and is shipping it to me next week! I'm so excited, because I was a little intimidated by the Dharma Dyes that I have on order, so this will be a great step in!
So now, as if I didn't have a whole whack of different crafts to do, I'm going to be a yarn dyer!!!! I have some Roving, and some Cestari Bulky and some playsilk blanks on the way, so I imagine by spring, I'll by creating my own beautiful yarn- yippee!
Matt's Hat got finished this afternoon, just in time for his trip so that's awesome. I'm really going to make a run at finishing my Ice Queen Cowl tonight, since it's the last of the month, I want to start a new monthly project on time and this one has been lagging me for awhile- but it's so pretty!
I also want to do a papercraft mural for Avari this week- she can help me glue things on it. Thank goodness for Dollarama (while hanging my head in shame...) Once I'm a rich designer, I'll shop responsibly!
OK - so how much fun will this be!
Thursday, January 31, 2008Posted by jendodd at 8:23 PM 1 comments
Here it is...
Wednesday, January 30, 2008I give this recipe 5 gold stars
I ordered some figs this week from Sunshine Organics and was looking for a recipe that used them. The glaze has to be one of the best things I've ever made. Since we're trying to cut out the "bad" stuff, I ordered some raw blue agave syrup as a sweetener to use instead of brown sugar. I was also just informed that agave is what is used to make tequila, so that makes it even more interesting! Roasted Sweet Potatoes rounded up the meal very nicely!
Here's the recipe:
Fig and Lemon Chicken |
Prep Time: 10 Minutes Cook Time: 50 Minutes | Ready In: 1 Hour Yields: 12 servings |
1 lemon, juiced 1/4 cup brown sugar 1/4 cup white vinegar 1/4 cup water 1 1/2 pounds dried figs | 1 lemon, sliced 12 chicken thighs salt to taste 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley 1 teaspoon dried parsley |
1. | Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). |
2. | In a small bowl, combine lemon juice, brown sugar, vinegar and water; set aside. |
3. | Place figs and lemon slices in the bottom of an 11x16 inch baking/roasting dish. Arrange chicken thighs on top, then pour vinegar mixture over chicken. Finally, sprinkle with salt and dried parsley to taste. |
4. | Bake/roast at 400 degrees F (200 degrees C) for 50 minutes, basting frequently (turn figs if they begin to brown). |
5. | With a slotted spoon, remove chicken, figs and lemon slices from baking dish and place on a warm platter. Skim fat from cooking juices, then pour over chicken as sauce. Garnish with fresh parsley and serve. |
and that's that- try it out!! Tomorrow morning I have a new "pancake" recipe on the list. I've heard if you scramble one egg with one banana and fry it in a pan, it makes some great pancakes- so we'll see!
Posted by jendodd at 9:17 PM 0 comments
Woo hoo- it's Wednesday!!!
Wednesday is treat night- I adore it! I don't have an idea of what the treat is yet, but I did get my little "monthly spoil me" in the mail today- it's a beautiful headband - I'll share fund pictures tonight. I'm off to make a Moroccan Chicken for dinner- yumm
Posted by jendodd at 4:49 PM 0 comments
Some New Projects
I've had to put my personal knitting and sewing aside this week because I've had so many fun projects for people!
This is part of the fun secret project I was working on last week- I'm still waiting for some little goodies in the mail to put in it to be sent away- crossed fingers they get here by Friday!
Today at the Mom's Cafe, it is Finger Puppet Day- I was asked if I could make some finger puppet forms so the moms and kids could decorate them, so here they are!
I made Pigs, Bees, Bears, Frogs, Bunnies, Birds and Ladybugs- sounds like fun! I'll bring the camera so I can get some action shots of the decorating
Posted by jendodd at 11:11 AM 0 comments
Featured Hyena Cart Momma!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Today, I'll be reviewing KreativeMindz and I'm so excited about it!
KreativeMindz is an incredible company run by Aly, Beau and An-g, who create beautiful clothing, accessories and wooden boxes and signs.
Goddess wraps are the hottest items they carry- they are gorgeous hair wraps for short or long hair and they come in every pattern to match all of your clothing!
With a Hyenacart, and Etsy Shop and an awesome photo gallery
you're sure to find something for everyone!
Posted by jendodd at 8:37 PM 0 comments
Ahhh... Mom day!
Sunday, January 27, 2008Today was my Christmas Spa day. I can't think of anything more wonderful that spending a morning at the spa, being pampered overlooking the ocean while is snows!
Then in the afternoon, I got to do my second most favourite thing- a fun maternity photoshoot! I think the best thing about doing a maternity photoshoot is that always leads to a wee little baby shoot as well-
Here's mom Rhonda and big sister Aleesha
and baby!
Now I have to get sewing for this baby ASAP!
Posted by jendodd at 12:00 AM 0 comments
I love sewing!
Friday, January 25, 2008I'm loving my sewing machine SO much!!! I've been working through quite a few more projects- it's been wonderful!
I had a great grown up day yesterday. I got up pretty early, packed up Avari and went to visit Rhonda, who is coming up to being due with Aleesha new baby sibling! Avari loves Aleesha so much, she talks about her all day. Both girls actually took a nap at the same time and so we got a nice chat in. I had such a wonderful time. In the evening, we had a goodbye party for Tara and went bowling which I haven't done in SO long! All in all, it was a great day and I hope to plan more like it in the future
Posted by jendodd at 11:19 PM 0 comments
Few fun things..
Thursday, January 24, 2008Here is the first super fun sewing project I've had! Love it!!! Want one of my own- unfortunately, it's going to someone special!
It's so top secret, I can't even tell you what it is!
This is going to be a very fun project- a fairy dress in fact! Can't wait to start working on it as soon as I get the right sized needles and beads- very fluffy fun indeed!
Yesterday I learned how to do some origami- yippee! I had so much fun that I'm really interested in doing more papercraft- they had an example of a fun papercraft mural for kids, and I'd love to do that with Avari
Posted by jendodd at 5:20 PM 0 comments
A New Week = New Fun!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008I finally finished Kevin's Gloves!! Yippee!!! I'm trying to convince him to let me felt them, because they are a touch big (my gauge must have been off) but he won't give them back- but I am loving them. I panicked after the first one and ordered an extra skein of Barrett, but it turns out that i didn't need it- so now I need a new project for that skein
Here's a picture of them almost finished
Here's how my ice queen is going so far- I'm about 2/3rds done- so I should get it done by the end of the month! The picture doesn't do it justice at all- it is gorgeous!
I finished handspinning my Morgan colourway - what to make- any ideas!?!?!
I've volunteered to make some finger puppet templates for the Mom's Cafe for Next Wednesday- I started off thinking that I should make some really blank canvasses for the kids to work with, but then I changed my mind-
so, I've started making some really fun ones- I have one that is obviously a bird, bee and bear- but the kids can put the faces on them and decorate them however they'd like to - so much fun!!
and finally today- something that I can sort of share, but can't totally because it's a BIG SECRET! But I'm very, very excited - Here's a sneak peek!
Posted by jendodd at 7:21 PM 0 comments
What goes well with ephemere?
Sunday, January 20, 2008Obviously my new super healthy lifestyle cookbook! I know I have mentioned my new Ani's Raw Food Kitchen cookbook, and I can't stop flipping through it!
The only problem? How do you get ready to make a complete overhaul in health? How do you go about starting to make all new recipes and new grocery shopping and everything like that? Hmmmmmmmmmmm...
I must start researching this!!!
Posted by jendodd at 9:47 PM 0 comments
Wine in Tetrapaks...
Saturday, January 19, 2008hmmm.... It has been forever since I've been inside the BC Liquor Store- and we happened upon a couple of french companies who put their wine in tetrapak. No joke! The same size as a bottle, but tetrapak- this really blew my mind! I had to look it up when we came home.
French Rabbit Wines
I was marveling at Avari's ability to go from one activity to another with no focus on anything. Well where did she get that from I wonder?
I currently have the following projects on needle.
-Ice Queen - doing about 3-4 rows at a time
-Pinwheel Sweater - getting there, but sllooowwww going
-Just finished spinning my Morgan roving this evening
-Just finished Kevin's gloves this evening
-my second Beemerknits Redmond Sock
-a neck warmer scarf that I have frogged a zillion times, but I'm determined to figure out the pattern
-Just started Matt's Hat tonight
I've planned out 100 sewing patterns too...
Posted by jendodd at 10:43 PM 0 comments
I learned today...
Friday, January 18, 2008There was a survey at for the average age of users- funny enough, the most users are age 28. Like me! I didn't realize that so many people my age where in to knitting and crocheting- it makes me feel not so old.
Speaking of cookbooks earlier- I wanted to share the 5 that are in my supreme rotation.
1. You Are What You Eat - awesome health recipes, very hardcore, but so great for the body!
2. Deceptively Delicious - how to sneak veggies in to regular meals- alot of the recipes are a little too fatty/deep fried, so I modify them- but I like that I can get some extra nutrients in to Avari
3. Cook This - Totally gourmet recipes, but the sassy book makes it really not intimidating- their French Onion Soup is Devine!
4. Cooking for the Rushed - Weekly Dinner Plans and grocery lists- how awesome is that!
5. Weeknight Menus (Cuisine at Home) - 15 and 30 minute entrees
Posted by jendodd at 9:31 PM 0 comments
An incredible cookbook
I've been going to a Mom's Cafe on Wednesday afternoons. This week, we were discussing healthy snacks. One of the moms brought in an incredible cookbook - Ani's Raw Food Kitchen
During the afternoon, they made a no cook apple pie- WITH NO SUGAR!! I couldn't believe it- it was sooooo sweet- I have to share the recipe
It was packed full of recipes like this! I can't wait to go and check it out!
Posted by jendodd at 1:15 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 17, 2008I've decided to start writing down what I want to make, so that the thoughts don't disappear forever! I'd like to make some simple sandwich wraps. I'm trying to reduce the amount of waste and plastic especially, so I need to create a whole set of reusable ziploc bags- based on the lunch bag idea I did. So, I'll have to get on the drawing board for that.
My big idea of the day is a lace wedding mantilla (a spanish veil). Now, I have no idea where even to begin, so this could be an extremely long termed project!!! I'm only half way through a lace cowl (my first laced project) and it's taking quite long, but it's kid mohair and incredible. I'm imagining the same sort of idea for a winter wedding- of course I'm thinking of the photographs here! I guess this will be something I'd like to design and finish by the end of the summer if I'm to sell it...
I also have an idea for a skirt. I was thinking for Avari, but that kid has so many clothes for summer! Maybe I'll do out a tester on her teeny little bum first, and then spin off for larger sizes. I want to do a topsy turvy tiered skirt. Very Paris, perhaps a matching hat? and then, why not add a velour turtleneck to go with it...
so yes- that's what I have on the brain this week! I'm not allowing myself to start anything though until I finish one of the 5 projects I have going...
Posted by jendodd at 8:04 PM 0 comments
Mmmm... Roving
Here is my newest yarn- I call it Morgan
(named after the wonderful girl who bestowed this roving upon me.
Isn't it beautiful!
I plan on doing 2 4oz skeins of the Morgan Colourway and then a 2oz pink trim skein and a 2oz blue skein.
I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!
What else have I been up to? I finally blocked the cloche I finished months ago. The colourway crocheted up completely gorgeous! It was dyed by The Boondock's owner's son- I fell in love with it! I have finished one fingerless glove to match, just have to do the pair for it!

hmmmm... who's going to wear this since my head looks funny in hats...
and the last project of this week... sewing!!!! I made a lunch kit that is waterproofed with PUL in the inside.
Posted by jendodd at 8:48 PM 0 comments
This week's review!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008This week, I'm reviewing Hot Salad
This shop actually caught my eye last night, since I have a mini obsession with hoodie dresses! Anita is a mom of 4, and loves to sew (and makes awesome things!) She has an awesome gallery and now I'm drooling over her fabric stash. She makes the most gorgeous dresses (there's that obsession again).
Check out her site and watch for stocking updates!
Posted by jendodd at 12:41 PM 0 comments
How quickly time flies
Alrighty, my New Years resolutions are already falling to the wayside
#1 - Blog every day (oops)
#2 - Be in bed by 10:30 (and you can see by the time of my postings... oops)
I have been doing well with my crafting!
I haven't been taking as many photos as I would like to, I really want to work on my outdoor framing, but the weather is just crummy and it's hard to pack Avari and the camera along and keep them both nice and dry! I'm sure everyone is getting tired of our house background by now though!
Here's a shot from yesterday- you can see in her eyes that there isn't much of a sparkle, poor dear has another set of teeth popping through and she isn't herself right now...
The weather forecast for the week is looking up, so I promise an outdoor shoot once Avari is feeling top notch again- I also have a maternity shoot set up for this week.... yippee! Add in 5 knitting projects and a Valentine's dress and this week is shaping up to be a crafty one!
Posted by jendodd at 12:05 AM 0 comments
Busy, busy, busy
Wednesday, January 9, 2008Wow- it feels SO good to be out of the house! I didn't even realize that I was feeling housebound over the holidays until all of the activities started up this week. This morning was gymnastics, which Avari LOVES and then we checked out the strong start program, which is going to be so great! Who says you can't find things to do in Powell River. We have gymnastics, swimming, skating, toddler time, parent's cafe, and strong start all on our weekly list. Not too much grown up stuff in there, but still fun!
Posted by jendodd at 11:11 PM 0 comments
Weekly Review
Saturday, January 5, 2008
This Week I'm going to be Reviewing:
Family Traditions
Those of you who know me, already know my love affair with hyenacart. It is an incredible place to find quality handmade everything- and a way to support some awesome work at home parents. Please check it out!
Family Traditions is a business run by Leanne, a mother of 4 children, who has been crocheting for 20 years. Leanne (like alot of us) has a blog at
She has been profiling some gorgeous wool longies on her cart! If you've never seen longies before- they are the new "it" thing! She can take custom orders, so contact her with any enquiries!
Leanne's business is also involved in a congo on hyenacart (a conglomeration of businesses)- so check her out in both places!
Posted by jendodd at 11:25 PM 2 comments
It's done, it's done, it's done!!!!!!! (and lots of things that aren't yet done....)
My sewing space is finally done. It is so beautiful!!! I can't wait to see how it will take shape- here are the gorgeous photos
Now, before I get sewing, there are a few projects I'm in the middle of...
Posted by jendodd at 11:14 PM 0 comments
tomorrow, I move in
Friday, January 4, 2008I finally finished painting my sewing room today- yippee!!! that means that tomorrow, I get to move in carper, desk and best of all. MY SEWING MACHINE!!!
Finally, my creative juices will flow. Mom brought over some stacking drawers and I have my fabric and yarn all nice and neatly in one place. So, by tomorrow night I'll have a beautiful room to show off. The pressure is on to make some beautiful masterpieces. Yikes!
Back to knitting Kevin's birthday mittens. My goal is to finish them before it's 3 months post birthday. Which gives me about 3 days to do it in- wish me luck!
Posted by jendodd at 10:09 PM 0 comments
Today is the day!!!
Thursday, January 3, 2008Avari is now 20lbs- finally!!!! Which means that we get to turn her carseat forward facing! How exciting is that- a new chapter arrives...
Posted by jendodd at 10:31 PM 0 comments
365 days of Avari
Wednesday, January 2, 2008I'm taking part of a photography challenge on a board I participate in - we're doing 365 days of our little ones. So, I'll be posting up a photo of Avari every day and adding it to my flickr account in a set called "365 days of Avari"
Ideally, it will be a gorgeous magazine worthy photo- we'll work on that! So, check it out daily to see what the Dodds ( welllll Avari) are up to!
Posted by jendodd at 10:52 PM 0 comments
Best sewing blog ever
I love this blog for inspirations! Not that inspirations are doing me any good with my sewing room still in a half completed shambles. Kevin promised to help me finish painting it on Saturday, so maybe- just maybe- I'll have it all done next week and ready to sew, knit, craft, and everything else!!!!
Here's just one of the projects she had listed this month
I just wanted to list it here since I'm always forgetting the blog address!
Posted by jendodd at 5:53 PM 0 comments
My first Crafting of 2008...
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Here is the first yarn I have ever made. I am so proud! I spun it with my gorgeous new spindle which was a Christmas present from my parents. If you think that is pretty, have a look at what it created!
Posted by jendodd at 8:33 PM 0 comments
2008 is here!!!
I love the beginning of the year, it is so exciting! I used to get more excited about September, because it seemed to be more like a new beginning- but now January works quite as well.
I have SO many aspirations this year. Photography, spinning, knitting, crocheting, sewing, and designer. How fun does that sound? Now, I only need to get back on my little crafting room, which WILL be finished by the end of this week and we're golden.
I had such a wonderful Christmas- everything was perfect and I even get to have a visit to the spa. Which tops the beginning of my to do list for 2008. Phoning tomorrow at 9:00AM!
I want to share some photos from the past few weeks
Avari opening her special doll from Berrie at Moonchild Studio.
Berrie is an incredible WAHM (work at home mom) that lives in Washington and makes Waldorf Dolls for children.
I first "met" Berrie during a Hyenacart Magic Yarn Ball Swap. She sent me the most beautiful hand dyed yarn, which became Avari's winter kimono sweater and hat. I started browsing Berrie's photo gallery and fell in love with her little moondrop she sent in the ball of yarn. We added Kittiedrop to our collection on Halloween.
I knew that Avari had to have a special doll for Christmas, and this is the wonderful doll that we ended up with....
Isn't she beautiful!!!!
To see all of the Christmas photos- click here!
We had a very hyena Christmas for sure. Here are some more awesome raves and where you can find the great stuff
The little chair is from Toddlerock. Avari LOVES it. It was the first thing she ran to Christmas morning and loves to sit in it.
The little undies in the top right corner are Dundies from Davinawear. I can't wait to get my hands on some more!
Beside the Dolly are Whiffy Bean Bags and a Whiffy See-It.
The Bean Bags are each scented and are a perfect size for little hands! The Whiffy See-It has a pocket window and little items inside that are searchable
On the floor, Avari is playing with her Square Roots Set from Beneath the Rowan Tree. Handpainted, handmade tiles with Avari's favourite things painted on them. She carries the around all day!
She was also spoiled so much from Santa at Grandma and Grandpa, and Grammy and Grampys!Baby Stella from Manhattan Toys came with an awesome Stroller which is a huge hit! She also has a backpack and a feeding set. (and you can get a hundred different other outfits too...)
On the Hatbox is a toy from Kaloo. It is a plush pulltoy in the shape of a turtle that has a bunny on top. I love the hat box!
Behind Kaloo is a felt board and sets from Magic Castle. I love felt boards- they inspire so much imagination! Unfortunately I can't find their brand anywhere on the internet- but I'll update if I do find them!
Uncle Mike bought Avari an awesome toy/game from Haba (which is another brand that I'm desperately in love with!). It has a snake that swallows up different sized and shape blocks. The kids have to learn how to thread the blocks
The pink scoopy toy on the left is called Bilibo- talk about inspiring creativity!!!! This turtle looking shell is whatever you want it to be! So far, it is a drum and a good toy for peek a boo!
Inside Bilibo is a game called "Who Knows Whose Nose". This is another hit! There are 6 pairs of animal cards that have mix and match noses. Avari has already figured out how to get the noses in the animals- we're still working on picking the right ones! hee hee
Lynn, Allen, Ian and Emma picked out a beautiful sweater for Avari that has horses on it. It looks so gorgeous- we've worn it everywhere so far and it's so cute!!! They also sent a magnet book. I have to say that this is one of Avari's favourite toys. She loves to take the magnets out and put them on the couch, then on the book, then on the coffee table. It keeps her busy for hours!
I don't have the pictures yet from Grandma and Grandpa Dodd's house, but Avari was also spoiled from there too! She got a new pound puppy that barks when you pet it. That puppy is going to replace any need for a real one, because it is her new best friend for sure!!!. Avari has a new favourite book too, with a gorgeous book about fairies (my favourite!). Auntie Kim and Uncle Matt bought Avari a set of blocks that make an animal sound when the pieces are matched up together- we hear alot of "please please!" asking us to help put together the right sound! Some very cute outfits also from Grandma and Grandpa!
All in all it was an awesome Christmas and New Years with great food, family and fun!
Posted by jendodd at 7:23 PM 0 comments