My mom and I are sitting out on the deck enjoying the beautiful weather, watching the sun sloooowwwly setting over the estuary. There are 2 eagles that have been flying over the farm behind us for the last 30 minutes. Except for the traffic noise, it's pretty peaceful!
Today was a go go go kind of day. Avari had a pretty awful sleep with her poor teeth cutting in and so we were up around 5, but I managed to keep her quite for the other guests until around 7 by finding some episodes of "In the Night Garden" on my computer.
I had my final official Chicks Who Click this morning and it was really fun. I got a better perspective about using space and background and metering. I can't share any photos, because my camera is in the shop getting a tune up, but I will next week when I pick them up. Karen and I also did some super fast shop browsing in Cumberland and I discovered a super yarn store that I have to visit as well as a few other great shops on the main drag -I will be going back!
Avari had her birthday photos this afternoon and Karen was able to get some super cute tutu shots, even through the teething. We also relied heavily on "throwing rocks" to get some happy faces out of the poor thing- but I can't wait to see them.
This evening, we enjoyed out on the deck. Avari still couldn't get more than some applesauce down, but she had fun playing with Dolly who is newly christened as "Carrot". Yes- that's right! She finally got her name. She also got to be Avari's partner for sleeping bunny and row row. I think it's going to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Here's my mommy worry of the day. Tonight, with her sore mouth and tongue, she couldn't latch on to breastfeed. She did today, but she'd pop off really quickly. I'm having a bit of a panic, because I'm afraid that she is going to lose the ability to latch and I'm really not ready for that part of our relationship to be over. Especially so suddenly. I truly wanted to be one of the mothers to show a good example and show that it is OK to extended breastfeed and that it isn't odd - since the world wide average is 4.2 years.
Of course, I could be completely over reacting, but she usually always needs that time before bed to unwind and get all sleepy. Well, tonight she tried, couldn't latch and then walked me over to her little travel bed, layed down and went to sleep. (With Carrot of course). She has even stirred once when a sea plane landed, and usually she gets up and wants "Noke". But I asked her if she wanted it, and she just rolled over and went back to sleep.
If this is it, I'm going to be completely devastated. I know that when she is ready to stop, that's when she is ready to move on, but I'm unprepared psychologically to lose that at this time! I guess I need to start some reading, but it's going to be a stressful couple of days while her teeth come in and her tongue heals and I wait to see if we're ever going to have that special bond again.
How To Develop Value-Based Spending Habits
2 years ago
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