OK- I just got back from the most incredible meeting. It was a pain to get there and I have been suffering from a 7 day headache, and I'm exhausted and getting completely overwhelmed this month
The guest speaker was Alison Roberts and she is a professional organizer and she works on the principles of clutter effecting energy and such. Well, about 10 minutes in to it, all of the pieces fell in to place- no wonder I've been stressed, and exhausted- my complete life is one big ol piece of clutter!!!
Well, I'm devoting Avari's nap times for a solid month to helping feng shui my life- it's so hard to imagine starting, but I can visualize how I feel afterwards and OMG- my headache had dissipated by the end of it.
On to even more exciting news- Karen blogged a couple of photos from the shoot of Avari and I last week. I love her so much- she is the most incredibly positive person and such a great energy to be around! and she makes me look great!
How To Develop Value-Based Spending Habits
2 years ago
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