So, I've come to believe that my blog is far to contrived. After reading it, I realize that it is tailored under the off chance that someone actually reads it, not to show my true feelings. I still want this to be a positive experience, but i have to start being more true to myself or there isn't much of a point to writing it!
I arrived back from my trip. It's amazing what ever 21 hours away from home can do, although when I returned, I realized that there has be a ruckus gone awry on my support community. I wish that it had not become such a negative environment. One of the people that I most wanted to participate in our trip and who's posts I look forward to has decided not to be present and that really bummed me out- it feels like I'm losing a friend. I hope that things can settle soon because I miss the fun of the old days!
and yes, it's always about the old days with me. Today on the radio they played Symbolistic and I was transported back - it's wonderful how nostalgia can give you that little shiver! I decided that it will be my cover single when I become a fantabulously famous singer.
I'm starting to understand the difficulties in the pressure of being a woman and trying to balance financial obligations and familial obligations. It's looked upon negatively if you do go back to work or if you don't go back to work. Basically, it's a financial necessity that I do work part-time right now. Yes I don't make much money, but an extra $200 a month makes it so that we can actually eat healthy and try to provide Avari with the best healthy options that we can. I've sacrificed one of our family days so that we can keep Avari out of care and Kevin super juggled his Mondays to make sure that we just have to have someone keep her for 4 hours. This is the best we can do, but the amount of guilty pressure that we are on the receiving end of is incredible- it's very disappointing to not receive positive support and reassurance.
On happier notes- Avari is such a doll! She showed off like a little monkey today and was chasing these boys all over the ferry kid zone. She even pinched one of them when they wouldn't let her spin the boat wheel (we of course did our job of discipline, but were smiling proudly to one another). She has finished the "toddling" and is running everywhere! There is a new obsession with books, and she insists on carrying one all over the house, usually it is "Ted and Friends", but there are a couple other choice ones as well.
How To Develop Value-Based Spending Habits
2 years ago
What a smarty pants Avari is :) Well Victoire has the power to scare off the older ones when she approached them to play with her. :p My friend said perhaps it is the way she focus on them with her looks so piercing :D
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