I'm going to have lots of blog about in the next few months! I'm really trying to focus and find some "me time" and have it be crafty. I noticed that I haven't picked up a single project since I was sick in February, due to a month of developing, branding, creating and working and I'm really missing doing some work by hand. First project on hand is Avari's birthday quilt. The fabric is sitting across the border as we speak and I'll have only a few months to get it done. Good thing I work best under pressure...
I'm just itching to get back outside and garden. It's coming along slowwwwly. Last year we ripped up the grass in the backyard and have been living in the middle of a dirt pit. I can't wait to see the garden come alive.
April is also the start of Super Budget 2009. We realized that we really want to be able to go places and explore somewhere other than beautiful Powell River, so we're getting focused on frugalness. The garden comes in to that because I'd love to be able to grow and trade produce. We only have a very modest space to grow so I've been researching about succession and companion planting and let's hope that I have more success than last year!
How To Develop Value-Based Spending Habits
2 years ago